Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership - here's why it doesn't have mass shootings - May 2023

Another LIE PROPAGANDA 100%!! Every abled body Citizen in Switzerland is required to complete Military Training. Switzerland is near #1 in Human Rights, Standards of Living. Anyone with half a Brain can Google the Cause of Violent Crime. Guns have Nothing to do with it. Violent Crime is Caused by Inequality. Every Government that includes and Governs with Equality in mind. Has Lower Crime and Incarcerations. USA won't allow the Truth to be told. To Busy with PROPAGANDA & FAKE NEWS 24/7. 7 Comedians Helping Condone the most Ignorant Evil Propaganda that has existed on this Planet. Switzerland Gives every citizen $3500 per Month Stipend when the turn 18. Of Course every Able Bodied Citizen is to Participate in the Required Military Training. They have sent Full Auto Machine Guns and Ammo home with their Citizens for Decades. With out hardly a Problem. Of Course, they too have Problems. Humans are not Perfect. Inequality will always exist in some form. Our Creator did not make us all Perfect or Equal. Why doesn't Congress just make Military Training part of School Training? Not like every Person needs to be Fully Trained. But enough to Know when to Duck. Or move. If something is happening. Enough to load or unload a Gun. Enough to have a Good idea how powerful guns are. Mexico had a Near Complete gun ban in 1969. It's still the law now. Australia had a Gun ban. It was a Disaster. Violent Crime rose. It became so bad the People demanded their gun rights returned. In Australia most of them have been now. No one wants to see our children murdered. In other countries its done with swords bombs machettes. Any one can google the cause of Violent Crime. Gun cannot cause Crime. A Bomb doesn't Bomb you. a Spoon doesn't make you fat. Trying to stop access to guns only makes it easier for the Upset Crazed on Propaganda and Lies Mentally disturbed person to go on a Killing Rampage. Gun Free Zones are Killing Zones. They are not addressing the Root problem. Inequality.

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Back in the 1950's and 60's, it was common for American high schools to have shooting clubs. Even in New York City, virtually every public high school had a shooting club up until 1969. It was a routine practice for high school students to take their guns with them to school on the subways and turn them over to their homeroom teacher so the guns would be out of the way. After school, students would pick up their guns, when it was time for practice, and go to the shooting range. After practice, it was back on the subway to go home. Until 1989, there were only a few school shootings in which more than two victims were killed. This was despite widespread ownership of - and familiarity with - weapons and an absence of "gun-free zones." George Mason University economist Walter E. Williams has observed, for most of American history "private transfers of guns to juveniles were unrestricted. Often a youngster's 12th,13th or 14th birthday present was a shiny new .22-caliber rifle, given to him by his father." Many of these guns they could buy at almost any hardware store or gas station - or even by mail order. Catalogs and magazines from the 1940s,'50s, and '60s are packed full of gun advertisements aimed at children. All a teenager needed to do to be sent a rifle was send a money order for $2.50 and check a box confirming they were old enough. Up until the '70s and "80's, especially in rural areas, it was commonplace to see kids entering and leaving their school campuses with rifle bags slung lazily over their backs. Guns were left in school lockers, and rifles and shotguns were routinely seen in high-school parking lots. (My friends and I had shotguns or rifles and ammo in our trucks for years while in High School.) Nobody batted an eye. And although there were 1000's of guns in schools, school shootings were extremely rare. (This was from an article in National Review By CHARLES. COOKE 1/21/2013) So what happened? What happened to our kids and society?

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The main difference between Switzerland and America is that guns are a part of Switzerland culture, while America is dictated by guns. Here in America, there are some people who seem to not have a high standard for shooting someone. They believe that if someone if shoplifting or if they are afraid, they can shoot them, or they make really bad excuses to justify shooting someone, like some are doing about the Kansas shooting. In Switzerland, yes, they love guns, but they understand the danger of guns and want them to be used as a last resort and responsibly and adjust the laws as such. Meanwhile, some people want open carry, screw how everyone else would feel, because truly good guys would go out of their way to make others feel unsafe. They want open carry just because, hey, gun rights are unlimited (they are not). Some gun nuts here in the States look for any excuse to shoot, like if someone parked their car wrong or something. Fear seems to determine our use for guns, while the Swiss actually care about public safety and common sense. I don't believe banning guns is the answer, but Americans really need to start putting high value on human life and public safety. Look, I don't want to start trouble, or hurt people, make people feel unsafe, or simply act of fear alone. If I make a decision that has huge ramifications, it will truly be a last resort, and having a gun shouldn't change that mentality, but unfortunately for many people it does.

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The difference between The US and the rest of the gun owning world is that the US has states that require no background checks. No psychological testing. No registrations. No required training on how to use, clean and safely store weapons. An idiot can walk into a gun store, purchase a weapon and nobody cares. How many deaths are worth not amending portions of the Second Amendment? Currently gun deaths in the US run about 45,000 per year, so I guess that's acceptable. What number do we need to reach? I think one innocent person shot is too many. A young white girl in rural New York with your friends this past weekend and made the death penalty crime of pulling into the wrong driveway. The were leaving when she was killed. A cheerleader got into the wrong care by mistake in Texas was killed for that simple mistake. A young black child rang a doorbell and was shot in the head. Home invaders do not generally ring the bell. I would think these gun owners should never have had a gun. The number one cause of death for children in the United States is firearms. People are more concerned with fetuses than the kids that are in schools and on the streets now. One child killed by a gun either by accident because some fool did not know how to store a gun or short purposely is too many. Why are guns more important than children?

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Research Switzerland. The main reason Hitler didn t invade this country was due to a well-armed population. The key part is every citizen is trained on how to use military weapons. Every house has guns and are required to be hidden so nobody can find the guns . They have officials come to homes to try to find them and if they can t find where the guns are hidden, the family is rewarded for that. Why? to keep the enemy from getting the guns. The other part is the continues training the citizens have to go thru. They are required starting at 18 to go thru military training and after that will have to go the firing range with their assign military weapon. Going to and from the range they are required to have the gun with them at all times. If they stop at a store and go in, So does the gun. So, the people of Switzerland will at some point and time have a gun around them in public. Every person, even children, know how to use them and know how to safely carry a gun. Last time I research the crime rate using a weapon was the knife, rank 1st in that country. Anyway, Google Switzerland and see what a well-trained militia can do for protecting the interest of the country. It has a been a few years, and things changed, but hey a well-armed militia is the best to keep bad guys at bay.

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Responsible citizenship boils down to one thing. Personal responsibility. The left in our country is trying their hardest to destroy the family unit and with that put individual responsibility on society. That's the heart of Socialism/Communism. No personal responsibility, an individual's mistakes aren't their fault... it's society's fault. Well, that breeds irresponsible people that instead of blaming a criminal for the crime, they blame an inanimate object used to carry out a crime. Instead of being tougher on crime, they focus on criminal rights. Every lefty loves to vilify the NRA, yet the NRA members are not the ones committing the crimes. The left just refuses to be tough on the offenders, and instead focus on removing the rights of law-abiding citizens. It's all for one goal... remove the citizens' ability to protect themselves, and as a result remove their ability to resist tyranny. All out of the Socialist/Communist playbook. The politicians play the feelings game on all of this and the lefty citizens greedily eat it all up believing the government actually cares about them. Well, if they did care, they'd be tougher on crime and focus on strengthening our rights, not taking them away.

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all the buzz is just that. in switzerland you must qualify to own a gun. most men serve in the swiss army and then become reservists. they take their assigned weapon home with them. they are then responsible for that weapon. in other words they have a "well regulated militia". we sell a gun to anyone who is not a felon with no responsibility created for the gun owner once the weapon is in their possession. switzerland's key is training and regulation. many grouse about big cities. the mass killings are not occurring there. how did the criminals get their guns? who did they buy them from? was it at a gun show with no checks? since we don't regulate ownership, nor do we regulate gun responsibility after purchase, we have an immense problem. today some countries upgraded their safety protocols for their citizens travelling to the u.s. treating us as a third world country because of all the mass killings. personally a gun enthusiast. trained in the military, police academy, and twice weekly at the range. with freedom comes responsibility. we are failing at both when it comes to guns.

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First, here in the USA one must look to where these "Mass shootings" take place. Secondly, one must ask, who is doing the shooting? What "culture" are they brought up in? What have they been taught? Not all, but the majority are growing up in a culture of drug use, where one parent homes are the standard. Not being taught the values that were taught in homes and schools of yesterday. Think about it folks...The children of today will be the adults in a very few years. What they are exposed to in homes and in schools will be the norm for tomorrow. We are witnessing it now from yesterday. Government is NOT the answer to the problems in society. People and their actions are the answer. Think about what example are you setting for your children. Do you want more prisons, more cemeteries, more heartache for your kids? What example have the kids seen from their parents, grandparents and especially their piers? An old saying suits this case 100%. One bad apple will spoil the whole basket. One example is all it takes to brand into a child's mind.

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The reason is staring us all in the face but it is too inconvenient to address. In Switzerland the length of maternity leave is 14 weeks paid leave not 6. Fathers are also given 2 weeks paid leave for paternity. Babies are also not dropped for such long hours in warehouses like they are here. The facts are looking us in the face, but the govt. won't do studies to see the effects of daycare on the emotional development of infants as young as 6 weeks old, Since the inception of warehoused daycare children have become more violent, bullying has gotten worse than it ever was. The suicide rates in children and young adults is going through the roof and of course the mass shootings are happening more and more often. Columbine happened approx. 18 years after KinderCare became the norm for childcare in that state. The govt. won't do studies because they use daycare to control the assistance money for childcare. 40 plus hours a week for infants and young children is too long to be separated from loving caretakers and family.

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Strange that about 90% of the "safeguards" or restrictions they list in this "article" are already in place in American Federal gun laws. Drug or alcohol addiction? Not allowed to purchase a firearm. (Yes, it is on the ATF Background check form). Convicted of a crime (felony and/or some violent misdemeanors)? Yep, also on the form and a restriction on purchase of a firearm as well as continued possession of currently owned firearms. Restriction on carrying a firearm in public? Many states and municipalities currently have very stringent laws regarding concealed an/or open carry of firearms (think Illinois/Chicago, NY, California) not to mention the "gun free zones" that are all over the place. But alas, we aren't actually comparing apples to apples are we. Even after all that, we have the US Constitution which secures a God given right that many countries don't recognize. So, we don't care what the Swiss do, or the EU, or Australia, or anywhere else for that matter. WE...WILL...NOT...COMPLY! Come and take 'em!

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As a democrat, I think this is not really a fair comparison, though I do see that the U.S coddles its criminals far too much. Their system of due process is incredibly inefficient and often times results in criminals getting off on technicalities. Honestly, I don't know that many criminals in the U.S actually believe they are going to get in trouble. We should be far tougher on criminals IMO, and better gun control and red flag laws need to be in place. Still Switzerland's population is so homogenous, and their income inequality so low that you just don't see the same level of desperation or hopelessness (not that that's all that motivates mass shootings). On top of that, the American healthcare system doesn't permit many people to get in to see a doctor about their mental health, it's just too expensive, so people go undiagnosed and/or unmedicated, causing further danger to society.

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This article does its best to spin to a certain narrative. First of all they mention concealed carry multiple times. Even here in the USA there is no link to higher gun homicides due to concealed carry, in fact there is less statistically. So why emphasize that? Second, the article stresses that their is a huge drop off of citizen owned guns, that is just linguistic twisting as most citizens have control of at least a service weapon within their immediate reach. The K31 was issued at birth to a citizen with their name under the butt plate, when they became of age to be in the military that gun was issued to them. The article does say that the person can keep them after their service, but they are also required to keep them (at home) while still in the service (everyone a certain age is in the service). Third, stop using suicide as gun violence, it conflates the data.

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Switzerland's population in 2023 stands at 8,796,669. NYC's population is 8,804,190. So this is apples and Oranges. Their marriage rate is better, and it is also a conservative country. The US also has over 200,000 gun laws on the books, and we also restrict who can own them. The problem is the illegal guns that criminals get off the street or steal. Stolen guns average is 232,400 a year. Then we have DAs that turn criminals loose within hours after being picked up, unlike the Swiss or many other countries. On another note, most mass shooting (4 or more shot) is done with a handgun, not a rifle. They also happen in mostly gang areas. The gun is not the problem; it is the heart of the person. Because if you look, stabbings and death by knives are on the rise in America. Just like in many other countries.

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because it has nothing to do with how many gun owners there are and it never did. It is not even logical to think that. It is 100% the state of our society that makes people violent. But no one seems to care about that. No one wants to talk about why our kids have become increasingly violent over the past few decades, cause that would mean pointing the finger right back at the parents and the things our kids are exposed to at early ages. None of the people screaming the most will take one shred of accountability. And it is going to get a lot worse. And if anyone thinks they will not commit violent acts by other means you have another thing coming. We are actively making it worse today more than ever. Divide divide, use the kids as political pawns, force ideas upon them so they vote the way mom and dad want, etc.

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The fallacy of this writer's article is that it does not take into account that that there are roughly 250 MILLION privately owned guns in the U.S. if half of the gun owners in this country decided to go out and shoot a few of their neighbors at the same time there would be no more country left. In addition, the Swiss don't let the Internet, Xbox/Nintendo or cable TV RAISE and BABY SIT their youngsters. It was not more than 60 years ago that we had HIGH SCHOOL and Boy Scout shooting teams and competitions in this country (not much different from the current SWISS) and NONE OF THOSE KIDS committed mass murder or shot up their current or former school. 'Progress' in the form of 'entertainment' technology and unfit, uncaring parents, too busy to raise their children have brought us to where we are today

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I lived in Switzerland for quite a bit of my life. Swizterland has no gun crime because it has ZERO tolerance for violent crime and has zero tolerance even for things like speeding. If you go 1km an hour over the limit you get fined. Your fine is also proportional to your income as well as how much you are speeding hence some people have been fined in the millions. When you have zero tolerance for the smallest infractions, the average citizen will think many times before doing anything of major consequence. All the rules you talk about are true but it isn't the rules that prevent the crime, it is the fact that when it happens the law comes down on you like a tonne of bricks with no multiple chances... Oh and the country has 5 million people all very ethnically homogenous

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The thing that says it all at the very start is the everyone from the age of 18 to 35 that can serve does in some shape or form. Being a Swizz citizen myself but never living in Switzerland and being a citizen of the US since birth I have found that its values that are the current differences. They value service to the country and community. They have a great sense of self and where they stand in their communities. They know their neighbors since most of them have lived in the same place for generations. Children are not coddled and are held accountable for their actions. Even though they lean more to the socialist side of the spectrum its still all about service to ones country. I would love to see mandatory service for everyone in our country and see how that changes things.

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Let me try not to offend MSN sensors with facts again. The truth makes them censor everything. Swiss Americans also have an extremely low homicide rate. Perhaps the most famous are the Amish. They can, and do possess guns, but, that does not mean they have a high homicide rate. There is a festival in Zurich, I copied and pasted it's name, but, can't seem to get past the censors, but it's held in September this year, where thousands of children will compete in rifle shooting contests. Children as young as 5 are taught to shoot rifles and they don't seem to have the same issues we do. As for crime, I can't get the truth past the censors on that either, so, YOU look up what percent of prisoners in Switzerland are actually Swiss. Be prepared for a shocker.

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Article completely ignores the racial makeup of the country and makes inferences that have proven time and again, impossible in the US. Take for example the statement, "There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street." The US has many so-called gun free zones and states were carrying firearms is illegal and yet not once has the law ever stopped someone from carry a firearm into one of those areas or states and perpetrating mass murder. Perhaps the Swiss, as a society have less of a criminal element amongst them??? Or, they are tougher on crime??? Being nearly blanketly wealthy, as pointed out, certainly helps the Swiss, but wealth is certainly not the only issue facing the US.

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So all the arguments here are missing one simple fact. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right enshrined in the Bill of Rights. That makes it equivalent in importance to freedom of expression, religion, right to a fair trial, right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment, etc. If you infringe upon or require certification or make it easier to curtail one right, then you have made it easier to curtail ALL rights. This is how the US legal system works. If we can curtail the 2nd Amendment in the name of 'public safety', then we can now curtail speech as well. Maybe you need to pass a college English exam before you're allowed to write? Or pass a test on a subject before expressing your opinion?

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Switzerland doesn't have it because of a couple reasons. 1) Mandatory military service 2) a very homogeneous society 3) they don't have crazy far left DA's who would rather not do their job and put people in jail for crimes. In the US we have ones who would rather increase charges for a former president from a misdemeanor to a felony while cutting charges for a lot of violent felonies to misdemeanors. 4) They don't have a victim mentality. We in the US seem to have developed this sadly. 5) We started to have more shootings when the NRA was removed from schools in the 60's. Something most don't know is until then the NRA would come into schools teach gun safety and shooting during school.

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Switzerland has no problem because EVERYONE has a gun or knows someone who does or did. They don't have the culture of empowerment through firepower since everyone else has a gun too. Until 2007, the government issued ammunition as well to keep in the home. Nobody is going to break into a home knowing there is someone who has a rifle and knows how to use it. Czechia makes America look like a blue state when it comes to gun laws, and only because the EU forced them to have what they do have. That said, unlike America, you have to prove competency with the weapon, so it is actually what the NRA and red staters want, people who can use guns and know how to use them.

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If our forefathers were in fact concerned about a repressive government and keeping up with the times, we all should have the newest technology of weaponry as today we would not stand a chance against a repressive government. Furthermore, guns at the time of the drafting were tools used for harvesting food. In a day when few people hunt, the necessity of owning a gun does not exist for most. I have no problems with guns at all but let's do it under that pretense as intended by our forefathers. I own a number of guns and would have no issues with registering all of them. Nor would I have a problem in making sure that all my private sales are registered.

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I might point out the Swiss do not have an open border situation such as the US has whereby illegal activity such as gun running, drug running, human trafficking and other criminal activities directly associated with this open border convenience to the criminal element promotes an immoral culture whereby murder and other criminal activity by firearm or other means is encouraged. I would add that the illegal migrant importation policy of this current administration is only one element contributing to our problem of violence and crime., however, their is a very significant contribution to violence and crime due to the border policy.

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I have been saying that the US needs better training for gun owners for years. It would work better for the people, and the government could stop focusing on a solution that will never work. Training would be by professionals, before receiving a license, and could also be used as a discreet screening process for the obvious who need more review. Law enforcement would also benefit as most criminals would realize that there are more people around them trained to prevent crime. The hardest part in this country is removing the political bias and control. Switzerland seems to have a better grip on gun ownership than the US does

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This article provided absolutely no insight into what is different between Switzerland and America and how that difference could equate to lower gun violence. There is no comparison between the two countries it is literally comparing apples and oranges. I am definitely a Republican but I'm also open minded about what to do about gun violence. I do want more heavy restrictions on access to semi automatic weapons and I want psychiatric screenings to take place. In my view all assault weapons should be deemed a class III. By designating them class III weapons you could eliminate 95% or more of the potential purchasers.

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Lets look at the Swiss more deeply. Lower mental health issues, almost entirely a single culture, smaller income gap, far less political dividing like the writers of this article, even with parties they have a near single view of what they want their country to be, embracing individual freedom instead of creating groups and tribes.... Seems like there is many differences for why they have no issue with firearms. Here the ones who want to control the arms are also representing the groups that do the most harm with them. Its almost like they want to disarm those who are trying to defend themselves, from them.

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Yes they have strict rules to buy a firearm, BUT, they also don't have the Liberal Losers who always claim racism when someone is shot. They do not have prosecutors who "regularly" downgrade felonies to misdemeanors, and like Ill-ANNOY they do not "think" holding a person for bond till their court date is not racist or some violation of their "rights" and turns them back out on the streets to continue in their criminal ways. We have laws like this but the Liberal Left finds it necessary to placate their liberal constituency to maintain power and keep themselves iin their elected positions.

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All the focus on access to guns. The fact of the matter is, the reason they don't have as much criminal violence is because they are by and large, a law-abiding society. Look at their overall arrest rates compared to the US, and you will see what I mean. But until we quit focusing only on an inanimate object and address the root causes, the lack of morals and ethics, the self-centeredness, the entitlement mindset and the lack of discipline and lack for respect, it's not going to get much better. But for some reason the media and politicians can't seem to comprehend that.

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Ok 1. They don't allow the sale of assault weapons to commoners. 2. They have strict liscensing laws on who can own and sell them 3. They track everyone in the country that has a gun. 4. They have mental health red flag laws that prevent gun ownership from the insane (most states won't allow that). 5. They have 400% less guns per capita - 2mil for 8mil vs, 350mil to 350 mil . 6. They take gun safety more seriously than gun sales. Its like a moderate drinker vs. an alcoholic. Both have access to guns. One of them has a problem with them, the other does not.

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Considering it is America's red states that are turning into slaughterhouses, why should anyone care? 9 Blue states have already banned assault rifles, and more are doing the same. The statistics tell the truth about guns and the truth is, more guns just mean more dead Americans and red states are proving it every day. New Zealand hasn't had a mass shooting since they banned guns in 2019. America has almost two a day. England hasn't had a school shooting since 1993. Want to guess why? America will figure it out after they see enough death and destruction.

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Switzerland is not a melting pot with soft on crime policy's, woke DA's, porous open borders fueling cartels and drug abuse while their media stokes the flames of racism, division, and hate. Add in a quality education, compulsory military service which teaches respect and discipline, superior mental health care, livable wages and genuine opportunity and it is easy to see why they do not suffer the mass shootings incurred in America. But rather than address these issues its easier for some Americans to blame the gun.

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So basically, they don't allow criminals to have guns, and they don't have nearly the amount of criminals overall wandering around society as the US does. So the responsible gun owners are allowed to have guns, and the irresponsible alcoholics, drug users, and criminals don't have guns. That is almost exactly what most gun rights folks say. If you remove criminals from the general populace, you would reduce gun violence my a huge factor. But we all know, those darn criminals are just victims of "the man."

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Left out of the article is that Switzerland takes their crime much more seriously and locks up the criminals and enforces their laws. That's a HUGE difference from what we do now in the US. Try going to Switzerland without following the immigration laws. Try having a gun there without following the rules. Try even riding the metro or the railway there without paying your fare. They enforce the laws there in Switzerland. We can quickly become that country too - and its a straightforward solution!!

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most recent in AL. 4 youths killed & 16 wounded at a sweet 16 party. Shooting started when mother of birthday girl told anyone with a gun needed to leave. Really? A kids' party? Two arrested and charged with murder a !6 & 17 year old Is this making headlines? Nope! Why? B on B doesn't fit Liberal agenda But a 84 year old w-male shoots a b-kid, it's news of the week & kid even going to visit Brandon. His go fund me in the millions A go fund me of a w-20 year woman killed with a shotgun? $7K

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The big difference in Switzerland: to own and possess a gun you have to have your local police commander sign off that you are able & willing to be a member of the Swiss militia, that you have not committed a crime nor an assault, that you are mentally competent and you are not a risk to others. Its called a background check and it works. Meanwhile, here the NRA went to court to deny the government the right to refuse guns to those on HS's post-9/11 suspected terrorist list...and won.

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I am not a gun control advocate, but I do believe that before anyone can purchase a gun, they must show proof that they have received gun safety training. I have seen people in stores, like Cabela's for instance, who were buying a gun and the salesman had to show them so many little things they should already know, even like how to apply the safety. And you could tell by just watching them for a few seconds that they knew absolutely nothing about handling a gun safely.

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How about the fact that they are one of the happiest countries in the world, that has as much or more to do with it than anything else. We have gotten to where there is a large unhappy part of the population and as the rich get richer and it is harder for the rest to gain ground the larger the unrest becomes. Also we have no sense of community most areas anymore everyone is a loner and an outcast anymore. It is not good for the overall mental health of our country.

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Some things not stated about Switzerland. They do not have the gang problens we have here. They are tough on crime (no letting offenders back out before the paperwork is filed as an exaple.) Mental Health is actually looked at and dealt with (for the most part, but far better then the US is doing.) Firearms training is done with all their youth (liberals have fought tooth and nail to stop gun safety from being tought, we used to teach it in our schools too.)

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Now we know how to keep the spirit of the 2nd amendment while keeping citizens of this country safe from being shot by some rando. Sounds like the Swiss have the right idea. They understand that the only reason guns exist is to kill. There is no other reason in the world for guns to eixst. They can't do anything else except kill. They understand that this makes guns inherently dangerous and should be highly regulated, regularly trained on and kept track of.

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I've visited Switzerland many times over the years and don't believe this to be the reasoning. In fact, unlike the U.S. where the left & media has made it nearly a crime to teach patriotism, prayer & basic morals in the home and at school ... the Swiss believe these efforts to be one of their top priorities of upbringing. Knowing the value of right & wrong is key for a person not to get some lame idea of shooting up a mall or school is a good idea & hobby.

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A country where laws are enforced, how unique! Shame they don't do that here. Try going 35 MPH where the maximum speed limit says 35 and you will be run off the road. Police know they go 50, but they don't enforce that. Chicago has shootings most every night by gang members, but again no enforcement. When police start enforcing the laws, these types of things will go down. And have some real punishment behind the laws, not "Naughty, naughty, you can leave."

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Also, children raised in single parent homes is lower in Switzerland. Sidenote: another driver of single parent homes in Switzerland is... foreigners. Now before you go letting your emotions take over and try and cancel me, studies have shown that foreigners who married Swiss natives, or foreigners who were married to other foreigners and residing in Switzerland, were more likely to get divorced than native Swiss married to other native Swiss.

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About 85% of the world has gun ownership legally. America lies to its people about Americans being the only people in the world owning guns. It's because America knows it's people are gullible enough to believe it. That's how it does things like convince them they need to give 40 billion $ to Ukraine and billions to useless Isreal while America is in a financial crisis itself and there are more and more people becoming homeless in America.

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This piggy hasn't forgotten all the MEDS which Americans partake. One out of five taking some sort of psych med? I'm willing to bet my own bacon under liposuction that the Swiss have maybe one out of 50. Their water isn't fluoridated as ours, they don't embrace a silly $3x culture or allow criminals to encourage the same, and most importantly - they don't have a porous border problem, left unaddressed as they still have Rule of Law!

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So, about 25% of Swiss have guns. Much higher than in the US, but they don't shoot each other. The real reason the Swiss don't have mass shootings is because they don't have nondiscrimination laws, or if they do, there is no need for them because they don't have "diversity". In other words, instead of having identity politics, they have freedom. I also think mandatory military service is very constructive. Patriotism unites.

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I am Swiss, grew up there, still have family there. Training has nothing to do with mass shootings. In fact, it would make you deadlier. Control of weapons has nothing to do with it, because it takes only one mass shooting - confiscating the weapon afterwards does nothing to prevent it. No, it has EVERYTHING to do with the Swiss culture. It is family-centered, traditional. Something the Democrats have destroyed in the USA.

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You know you are reading political propaganda when they refuse to address the problem. America has an epidemic of violent and mentally ill individuals. Instead, they are ignoring the criminal, the victim, and the violent culture. The only conclusion is you are dealing with someone who does not care about the victim or the nation. They simply want to use this to attain the political ends of disarming law abiding Americans.

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They also have a strong sense of cultural identity that isn't actively being destroyed by their educational system. Wonder why America didn't used to have these until recent decades? Loss of meaning, purpose, pride, sense of value of LIFE? Any of this ringing a bell? ONE homogenous culture, not 50 sub-sets and a left that is actively pitting one against the other through identity politics? Gee, take your pick...

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Assuming one gun per person, then that makes just under 25% of the Swiss own guns. While there are more guns than people in the US, less than a third of all Americans legally own guns. A very small percentage of these legally-owned guns have ever been used against another human being. That basically means that, no matter how many guns a country or a person has, it still takes a sociopath to kill someone else.

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I'd be curious what our rates would be if you removed the inner city numbers and suicides from the equation. Yes, suicides count toward our overall "gun crime" list and make up greater than 1/3 of the aggregate. Remove the inner cities and their insane problems and you get something like a European country. We not even gonna talk about where 53% of all gun homicides come from? We just ignoring that, I guess.

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Hardly comparable. Switzerland has a relatively homogenous society. The USA has a society where millions are on or under the poverty line. The US treats its convicts likes animals. (And so gets animals released into society.) In Switzerland, the healthcare system, although a private insurance system, takes care of rich and poor alike - not so in the USA. Rules for owning arms are much stricter in Switzerland.

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Has anyone thought that the media is being paid to over play the gun stories. The MSM is a very big part in the gun violence, because they keep the gunman's name in the news, and if you get your name mentioned on tv you have your 15 minutes of fame. MSM needs to stop naming who the gunman is, but very rarely does MSM ever say anything about the victim unless it is a narrative to a bigger news story.

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Switzerland has 1 gun for every 4 people. In the U.S., we have a little more than 1 registered firearm for each person. This means that we have- 4 x as many firearms per capita as Switzerland! Switzerland doesn't come close to the number of firearms that we have in the States. Plus, we have some number of unregistered firearms, as well. So, there's no comparison between the U.S. and Switzerland.

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What people are not getting is not the size of the country, but they have a right to have gun and they have more then the US. Even children have guns, but they don't shoot each other. The schools are not a war zone were the kids are afraid to go or fearful of going to the grocery store, church or drive down a highway. In the US we have a wild west show going on everyday with no regulations.

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While I don't generally support forced or mandated things from the govt. I think a mandatory military service for men would go a LONG way to making men mature faster, and hopefully set a good foundation. I almost feel we are to the point of no turning back with the lack of morality and sense of direction for many in our country. I'd be very for this, but it may not even be an option anymore.

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Our numbers would show different rankings in the world if they were reported accurately and not twisted by a certain political group who controls the media, also if we were not such a forced melting pot and did not have to go to the extremes to honor those cultures and just focused on being Americans under one flag and one language would also change the numbers and the way our society works.

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Missing in the analysis is Switzerland's relative national sense of cohesiveness, strong obligations to upholding laws, and common ethics and morals, and its place as a high trust society. It's lack of diversity for its own sake also helps to create citizens who aren't always at the edge of sanity looking to exact vengeance on the innocent or engage in bush whacking, gang style gun fights.

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United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, while Switzerland is approximately 41,277 sq km, making Switzerland 0.42% the size of United States. Meanwhile, the population of United States is ~337.3 million people (328.8 million fewer people live in Switzerland). We have positioned the outline of United States near the middle of Switzerland, and they have a mandatory military draft.

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To you anti-gun people out there. My wife was like you until she saw the news of all the shootings, home invasions, and carjacking. She was mad at me for not giving up mine. After 19 years of marriage, I took her to the range, and now she will get her CCW. Plus, my two girls are also. It is not a gun problem. It is a heart and culture problem that the left loves to promote.

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So it is not the guns. It is the policies. The Swiss don't put up with gun criminals. If you commit a crime with a gun, you are thrown in jail for a very long sentence - and there is the real difference. This isn't about the number of guns. It isn't about training. It is about punishing criminals. They do it, and have little gun crime. We don't and gun crime is surging.

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We don't need another law on the books, nor do we need to ban any class of firearms! We need to apply the laws as they were written across every state and put the ones away that can't follow the laws. When crazy wasn't tolerated so much, we had a lot fewer mass shootings (or none) and I'm pretty sure the murder rate was a fraction of what we have today. Hold people accountable!

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I am Swiss. It has nothing to do with training. That training is meant to develop sharpshooter skills, not responsibility. It has nothing to do with control of weapons, because you just need to commit a mass shooting once, so that doesn't matter. No, it has all to do with the family focused, traditional culture of the country. Something the Democrats have destroyed in the USA.

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Guns operate only by a person, otherwise they stay in place. The U.S. social system preaches divisiveness and entitlement to create chaos, whereas Switzerland is more homogeneous and respectful of each other. It's always the criminals who commit the crime, never the instrument with which they do so, such as the Spanish teacher murdered with a bat by two students.

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Keep in mind the Constitution mainly the 2nd Amendment is not about controlling the people, it is all about restricting our government. Per the constitution We the People already have the right to own and bare firearms as it clearly states The Right not we will give you a right. The Rights of the people to keep and bare arms Shall Not Be Infringed. Clear as day.

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The guns aren't the problem. Gangs in inner cities, revolving door jails, and people committing suicide are the main problems. Not the only ones, but the predominate ones. Stop blaming the tools. And yes, when you ban a tool you are blaming the tool. And when you "criminalize" a Right, you are punishing everyone whole didn't commit the heinous and violent crime.

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They have culture, they have education, they have history, they've been around for centuries, only the Chinese beats them on that one, their level of hate is almost non-existence, unlike.... you know where ..... correct .... it has had 247 years of existence out of which it has been at wars for 218 years, yes, you read correctly, almost 90% of their existence.

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know what the Swiss don't have? a 2A right to keep and bear arms! of course ceding more power and control to the central gov't is going to lead to fewer gun deaths, but it's also going to lead to less liberty, while the overall intentional homicide rate won't be impacted much (if any) at all (as global rates show). people will just find another tool to use.

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"There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street." That statement points to details that are left out of the story. Apparently the laws they have are effective? We have lots of laws regarding guns but they don't work. Why is that? Maybe the Swiss actually enforce consequences???

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Why is it that prior to the 1980s and 90s, we had more homes with guns in them, almost no gun laws, and we did not have this problem? Your argument is a logical fallacy that relies on the assumption that guns are the cause of the crimes, and that if we take away the guns these mentally ill violent individuals will not find another way to kill.

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Where's the bit about how the Swiss as a culture take more interest in their families, rely less on pseudo-psychological "not your fault" excuses, and promote personal responsibility? I mean, if we're talking about why other nations don't have the issues neoprogressives and their feel-good ideologies have curse the US with, that's the biggest.

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Same old claptrap excuses and reasoning from gun owners terrified that their guns are going to be taken. You know what? They should be if they can't be serious about gun safety. Don't want criminals to give gun owners a bad rap...don't let them get guns then. Do background checks. Holler if you're a criminal and don't want background checks.

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None of the excuses in the article actually say why the US has more mass shootings. While it is true that Switzerland requires far more training with guns, the fact is that only 3% of all gun deaths in the US are accidental. The real culprit boils down to culture and loss of morality. Something the left and media don't want to talk about.

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It always made me laugh when conservatives pointed to Switzerland as an example of responsible gun ownership, but then lobbied against literally every single firearms that law the Swiss have. Reminds me of how every conservative wanted to "be like Sweden" during the pandemic, except when it came to having a Swedish style healthcare system.

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In Switzerland, unlike the US, they have guidelines such as this, 'The law also states that anyone who "expresses a violent or dangerous attitude" won't be permitted to own a gun.' Sadly, in today's MAGA ecosystem, including its leader, that would disallow gun ownership for nearly 100% in that festering, insurrectionist quagmire.

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Why can't we meet somewhere in the middle, still protecting our 2nd amendment, but actually following through on arresting both someone trying to get a gun who shouldn't and the person who sold him/her that gun. Also if the person's dr did not report a mental status that affected that person, that dr should also be arressted.

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After living in Switzerland, I can confirm there is a common culture that everyone falls in line with. There is no glorification when it comes to thuggery and they also abide by some of the strictest laws. "Woke" ideology does not exist while everyone is considered equal regardless of skin color, orientation, etc.

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A population the size of SC, and 95% or more of the population are of western European culture: German, French or Italian. Similar beliefs, values and religion. Strict criminal laws, strictly enforced. Mandatory military service and membership for all capable adult males. Tightly-controlled immigration laws.

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No one mentions that the Swiss require everyone that is able must serve in their National Guard. at the end of their service they have the choice to buy their service weapon, yes, even fully automatics. When they get together for a rifle match it's like a party similar to a german fest complete with a beer tent.

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It's a grand idea. Let's take every high school graduate and force them to give two years of military service. They'll be trained in proper gun usage, and it will probably help with the national obesity rate while we're at it. A new US tradition. I'm writing my congress Kritter today. Splendid.